Applied Projects should be: ISMART
I: Interdisciplinary: Some form of writing is required. The writing/grammar should be part of the
S: Specific: What is the specific topic? What are the specific concepts? What are the specific
M: Measurable: How do you measure the success of the project? How is the project evaluated?
A: Authentic: This is very important. Also known as active learning, the project must be a real-world
project that
connects the knowledge acquired in the classroom to applications outside the classroom.
R: Realistic: The project should not be too simple, neither should it be too complex.
At least one of the objectives of the project should be from the course learning objectives.
T: Timely: The project should have firm deadlines. It is okay to have more than one due date. However,
clear expectations
of deliverables for each due date should be communicated. If it is a group project or a project that needs to
be completed
in phases, then firm deadlines are required for each phase of the project.
Applications in Receipts
Theory: Check Digit for ISBN
and Units on Containers
Functions: Power Bill
Functions: Water Bill
Functions: Federal Tax
Applied Projects should be: ISMART
I: Interdisciplinary: Some form of writing is required. The writing/grammar should be part of the
S: Specific: What is the specific topic? What are the specific concepts? What are the specific
M: Measurable: How do you measure the success of the project? How is the project evaluated?
A: Authentic: This is very important. Also known as active learning, the project must be a real-world
project that
connects the knowledge acquired in the classroom to applications outside the classroom.
R: Realistic: The project should not be too simple, neither should it be too complex.
At least one of the objectives of the project should be from the course learning objectives.
T: Timely: The project should have firm deadlines. It is okay to have more than one due date. However,
clear expectations
of deliverables for each due date should be communicated. If it is a group project or a project that needs to
be completed
in phases, then firm deadlines are required for each phase of the project.
Python Programming
Basic Programming Language
C# Programming
Programming Language
Java Programming